Nadhirah Baharin
2 min readDec 29, 2020

If you don’t know me, (Well I hope you don’t. Because if you do I will be creeped out how on earth did you find me XD ) allow me to introduce myself since this is the very first entry on my profile here on medium.

My name is Nadhirah Baharin and you can call me Dira or Nadhirah or whatever you’d like except Nad.

Why not Nad? eventhough it was like an automatic pet name for those who just knew me… I always in the first instance correct them that I shall not be called Nad. Let’s just say it’s just one of my quirks.

Talking about quirks, I am a girl with too many of ’em.

But I’d like to think of it as something that people find interesting at the beginning of our friendship which, later, is the thing that drives them mad!

Well, what is my story?

I live a perfectly normal life. The occasional ups and downs. Successes and failures. Laughed and cried.

But despite the mediocrity, I too have stories to tell.

Most of them are from deep reflections, late-night conversations and inspirations from acquaintances and books.

Shut up Nadhirah. Just tell me who are you already

Alright. Alright.

Here we go.

I am Malaysian, residing in a suburban area somewhere in Selangor, a state in Malaysia. I spent 3 years doing my undergraduate studies in the Sheffield, United Kingdom and now working as product specialist in the medical device industry.

As a side hustle, which I never considered as a side commitment but somehting that I realy focus on, is doing Takaful business or as a takaful advisor.

If you’re not a muslim or never been to Malaysia. Takaful is the sharia complaint version of Insurance.

I am the middle child and yes I do have that middle child syndrome.

What’s my passion?

I love helping people.

Ya ya Nadhirah. Everyone wants to help everybody. That’s cliche. Next…

Well, as cliche as it might sound. I couldn’t describe myself any better than that.

But helping in what sense you might ask.

Well I like to think mostly helping on the emotional and financial aspects of life.

This getting too long.

So I will bid goodbye now.

Till next time,




Nadhirah Baharin

Nadhirah Baharin. 26 years old. ENFP. Loves to write and read. I wish to publish my own book one day!